Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery

Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery An earlier article in this document explored the writing of argumentative essays. The present article will rely on the guidelines provided earlier to present a sample argumentative essay on plastic surgery. Beauty has always enjoyed great value in every society, irrespective of the conservative traditions that may prevail in that society. Right from childhood, human beings are taught that a beautiful person always has a prize attached to the beauty. This explains why children exhibit an unconsciousness tendency to describe awesome experiences as being beautiful. In ancient African societies, the embracing of beauty was seen in some communities painting their faces with bright colors. Among the Maasai of Kenya, for example, red ochre was used to paint the face. The trend of appreciating beauty took a different twist as time went by. The Indians pioneered the art of doing nose lifts. It was perceived that women with pointed noses were more appealing to the male generation. Other cu ltures aped this art, and the practice of face lifting and organ firming developed. In the modern world, the term â€Å"plastic surgery† is not new, especially with the rise to fame of the deceased rock musician, Michael Jackson. Recently, plastic surgery has gained substantial recognition among the enlightened generation. Numerous television programs that expose the masses to a hitherto secretive affair boost this. Thanks to plastic surgery, a person can find a lasting solution to certain bodily flaws that are perceived as threatening one’s success in a professional field. The proponents of plastic surgery argue that it greatly assists in enhancing a person’s confidence together with vitality. If you view a typical television show about plastic surgery, you will notice a common principle suggesting that an unhappy individual only needs a surgical operation to turn him or her into a magical success story. However, you have to realize that plastic surgery only bestows temporary confidence. The truth is a cosmetic surgical procedure requires regular maintenance, which means that a series of operations is necessary. Moreover, plastic surgery gives a person unrealistic expectations. He or she goes into the surgical room expecting to come out a transformed individual who will attract others’ positive attention. On the contrary, plastic surgery is a mere illusion in which the person wrongly thinks he/she has acquired more self-esteem. This is gauged by the supposed approval that other people show about the new appearance. Conversely, in most cases, people are driven to seek cosmetic surgery by their spouses or colleagues. It is perfectly understandable to have a desire of remaining youthful. Nevertheless, there are myriad healthy ways of maintaining radiant skin. Instead of opting for a potentially life-threatening superficial operation, why not eat natural foods and exercise regular ly? Besides, there is absolutely no point why you should be moved to such extents by the viewpoints of people who apparently do not value your inner beauty. The true satisfaction in life is achieved when an individual discovers his or her personal identity. Real happiness comes when people embrace their diversities. is committed to provide students with custom argumentative essays about Plastic Surgery. All you need is to place an order at our site!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Macbeth Symbolism Essays - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays

Macbeth Symbolism Essays - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays Macbeth Symbolism In our society, darkness tends to be the primary characteristic of evil. A black cat, a dark and stormy night, and a dark alley, for instance, are all modern day symbols of wickedness and evil. Authors many times will use these and other symbols to describe an evil character or setting. William Shakespeare employs the imagery of darkness throughout his play of Macbeth. He uses dark images often to describe instruments of disorder and the evils which characters act upon. In Macbeth, Shakespeare's use of the night's dark hour's give a sense of evil to the play. The words, actions, and descriptions of people such as the witches, Macbeth shows this, and even of other characters who are thought to be against all evil. Evil is present throughout the play, at a time when there is no light, and Scotland is covered by a shadow of darkness. In Macbeth, the witches are a prime source of darkness. First of all, the place and time of the witch's meetings all take on the feeling of darkness. The only times of their meetings are in the middle of the night, and often in terrible conditions of thunder and lightning. The witches meet in a dark cave. The cave is an appropriate setting for the witches because caves are murky and gloomy, and tend to represent the ideas of the underworld and hell. From the conditions and the location that the witches meet, a feeling of evil is already created. The appearance of the witches also adds to the feeling of darkness and evil. The witches are described as being, secret, black, and midnight hags! by Macbeth himself (Act IV, i, 47). The image today of a witch is an old, ugly woman who dresses all in black, and has a wart on her nose, and rides around on a broomstick. The picture hasn't changed much, except for the fact she now rides around on a broom. Witches still practice their magic, cast ing spells and hexes, looking into the future, and creating mystical potions, all things that manifest wickedness. Banquo even refers to the witches as instruments of darkness (Act I, iii, 125) after their first prophecy comes true. The witch's dark meeting place and dark appearance all emphasize their evil nature and the feeling of evil in the play. Nighttime is obviously a key setting for darkness and evil. Besides the witches meeting only at night, the dark hours also host other major event which take place in the play. The murdering of King Duncan takes place at night. Once again, nighttime is a host for the most evil of deeds. Death is by far one of the most villainous acts, and the fact that it takes place at night ties it in with darkness representing evil in the play. Macbeth chooses to murder the king at night because it is the most concealing time to do it. Everyone has retired to their chambers and is sleeping when Macbeth goes to do is evil act. He is able to sneak into the king's room and kill him without waking anyone, and quickly washes his hands and returns to his own room. When Macduff and Malcom wake the castle, Macbeth has already unclothed himself to look as if he were just waking up from the commotion. When the King is discovered dead, all meets in their pajamas and no one is suspected of being awake and kill ing the King. Let's briefly put on manly readiness, and meet i' th' hall together, says Macbeth to put distance between him and the murder. Darkness and the nighttime, in this case, help Macbeth to hide his evil actions. Nighttime is also the time in which Banquo is murdered. Banquo and his son must leave one day from Scone, but will make it back in time for Macbeth's banquet. As far, my lord, as I will fill up the timeI must become a borrower of the night. For a dark hour of twain, Banquo says to Macbeth, stating his intentions. When Macbeth hears that Banquo and Fleance will be returning home at night, he commissions two murderers and says to them The moment on't; for't must be done tonightOf that

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Argumentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Argumentation - Essay Example But with the modernization of the college educational system, things began to change and eventually, misled the very students who were paying tuition fees in order to be trained for potential jobs. Louis Menand wrote about those differing schools of thoughts pertaining to college education in his article â€Å"Live and Learn† which was published in The New Yorker. He also mentioned that the college system was meant more as a filter for the workforce rather than the training ground. College education became a series of classes and tests that had nothing to do with the actual degree that the student was aiming for at the end of four years, and yet it was supposed to be the yardstick by which the employers were supposed to gauge a job applicant by. This mindset shows me that the college educational system is broken and is in dire need of reforms. We need to go back to that era when college meant actually training for a job that you hoped to have in the future. In my opinion, the theoretical part of the education of a student should have occurred and was completed during the grammar school and high school phase. By the time the student begins to attend college, he must already know what it is he wants to do with his life and be prepared to throw himself into four years of preparation for it. By definition, completing a college education means that a person is being taught ways of doing something or a better way of doing things in his life. It shows that he is highly trained and educated. It prepares him for the life that he has chosen to lead. That means that he has chosen an occupation, and is well prepared and looking forward to living his life along the lines allowed by his job. Yet most of our college students find themselves taking classes that do not have any direct effect on their line of work. Take for instance the case of an English student majoring in British Literature.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should the Electoral College still be in place Essay

Should the Electoral College still be in place - Essay Example This particular thesis would look back through history for examples where the electoral system on current values have failed to provide a decision based on the unanimous most popular votes achieved and hence appoint office a candidate who significantly does not hold the peoples ideology in running the country. Lastly we would succumb to the fact that prior to twentieth century the electoral system of electing the president was made by people who were the pioneers of their time and society while keeping in mind the common educational awareness in a single voter and how this method would cancel dysfunctional voting which may not be in the best interest of the United States. For matters concerning the voting system upheld by the Electoral College, there have been, for the past two centuries, excessive debates that primarily highlight the loop holes associated with this form of presidential selection. Firstly before jumping in to the jargon of as to why the Electoral College of president ial elections deems a misfit in current society we would on first note take up to the fact that what practically is the Electoral system of voting that we all so often refer to. On theoretical counts the Electoral College system of voting to claim a new head of the state is a method in which electors from every state cast their votes on potential candidates that seek to become the next president so as such the electors hold the key of who becomes the new subsequent head of the state. ... The votes casted by the American citizens is only associated with the electors of their own state hence even though votes pertaining to a hundred percent favoring either the democrats or the republicans could only and fundamentally suffice for their own states electoral representatives(Glennon; Whittaker et al). The number of electoral reps that every state acquires is a directly proportional figure to the amount of people or residents residing in it and therefore the number of electoral reps in each state varies from one another. For instance Minnesota as being a relatively bigger state than Columbia has seven more electoral votes and hence stands to a 10 to 3 ratio in comparison. The total number of electoral votes situated is five hundred and thirty eight and hence to potentially win an election a candidate must receive more than or equal to two hundred and seventy uncontested votes and effectively claim a winning spot. The voting system in every state apart from Maine and Nebrask a has a winner take all methodology on casting electoral votes as such if in any state the democratic or republic party get the majority votes then automatically the other residing votes which may not be in favor of the winning party would also be effectively transferred to the votes of the winning electoral reps. This particular policy has a major drawback concerning the fact that even though a candidate may win the most popular vote of the country it may eventually lose at the mercy of the Electoral college system. Again for instance the nominee from the democratic or republic party gets electoral votes from the majority of states but loses to small margins in larger ones like California, New

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Finding Reasons - The Story of an Hour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finding Reasons - The Story of an Hour - Essay Example As Berkove mentioned, the story was first published in Vogue Magazine in 1894 (158), a time when women were still perceived as â€Å"housekeepers†, associated to the home rather than the modern liberal women who have the freedom to compete for a job with men. This was a time when women who expressed themselves freely, do a man’s job, hold offices or work along with men, were considered taboo. With such information, one would understand that the story reflects the very culture described above and would comprehend more clearly the symbolisms and statements used in the story. In the case of Berkove’s article entitled Fatal Self-assertion in Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The story of an Hour†, the tone of the writer in his analysis seems to be seen through the eyes of one looking at modern times. This could be fatal as there are norms and mores that could really affect the mentality, actions and perceptions of people from different ages, cultures, beliefs and edu cation. For instance, he concludes that the story is not about society or marriage but about Louise Mallard (berkove, 153). Sure, the story is about the protagonist nevertheless, she represents some, if not most of the women during that time. Since men were considered to be the breadwinners, they were expected to go out and work while women stayed in the home to do the household chores and attend to the needs of the men. This was the general concept of men and women’s roles and Brently and Louise Mallard conformed to such norms as a couple. Louise however was a woman who did not agree with such patriarchal practices as expressed in her strongly made up mind that â€Å"There would be no powerful will bending hers in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cost Control in Food and Beverage Companies

Cost Control in Food and Beverage Companies Product oriented companies create a production budget which estimates the number of units that must be manufactured to meet the sales goals. The production budget also estimates the various costs involved with manufacturing those units, including labour and material. Cash Flow/Cash budget: The cash flow budget is a prediction of future cash receipts and expenditures for a particular time period. It usually covers a period in the short term future. The cash flow budget helps the business determine when income will be sufficient to cover expenses and when the company will need to seek outside financing. Marketing budget: The marketing budget is an estimate of the funds needed for promotion, advertising, and public relations in order to market the product or service. Project budget: The project budget is a prediction of the costs associated with a particular company project. These costs include labour, materials, and other related expenses. The project budget is often broken down into specific tasks, with task budgets assigned to each. Revenue budget: The Revenue Budget consists of revenue receipts of government and the expenditure met from these revenues. Tax revenues are made up of taxes and other duties that the government levies. Expenditure budget: A budget type which include of spending data items. (Arthur Sheffrin, 2003) What is fixed cost? Fixed cost is defined as hey do not vary proportionally with volume, but rarely are they completely fixed in real sense. They might fluctuate for other reasons. (Ojugo, 1999,p349 ) Variable cost Variable cost are those cost which increase in volume with the increase in production and decrease in volume with decrease in production as material cost, labour cost, power, repair, fuel etc. variable cost changes in direct proportion to the level of production. (Gupta et al. 2007) What is cash flow statement? Cash flow statement is the financial document that projects what your business plan means in terms money. It is same as a budget. It projected statement used for internal planning and estimates how much money will flow into and out of a business during a designated period of time, usually the coming tax year. (Jinnet Pinson, 2006) Advantages of cash flow statement Cash flow statement act as an essential tools of short term financial analysis and planning. The main advantages are listed below Cash flow statement is very useful in preparing cash budget as cash is the very basis of business operations cash flow proves very useful in evaluating the cash position of the concern The projected cash flow statement helps finance manager in exploring the possibilities of repayment of long term debts which depends upon the availability of cash Cash flow statement can be used for making appraisal of various capital investment projects just to determine their liquidity and profitability. A comparison of the cash flow statement of pervious year and projected cash flow statement reveals deviations of actual from budgeted. For payment of liabilities which are likely to mature immediately, cash is more important than working capital. Cash flow statement is certainly a better tool of analysis than funds flow statement as far as short term analysis is concerned. Cash flow statement enables the management to explain why the company is facing difficulties in paying dividend while it has earned good profits. It helps in taking loans from banks and other financial institutions; the repayment capacity of the company can be understood by going through the cash flow statement. It supplements the analysis provided by funds flow statement as cash is a part of the working capital. What is costing sheet? A cost sheet is a statement of cost incurred, or to be incurred, for producing a given volume of output or for rendering services, as the case may be. Preparation of a cost sheet helps cost control and pricing decisions. (Banerjee, 2006) Cost sheet for Hospitality The standerised reciepe cost sheet is a record of the ingredient cost reqiured to produce an item sold by your operation. This standerised cost sheet can be created using any basic spreadsheet software. (Dopson, 2010) Advantages of cost sheet in hospitality New employees can be better trained. Helpful to maintain food laws. Helpful to explain about any food item to the guest. Helpful for accurate purchasing in order to gain profits out of business. Purchasing, receiving, storing and issuing Purchasing Purchasing can be defined as a function concerned with the search, selection, purchase, receipt, storage and final use of a commodity in accordance with the catering policy of the establishment. Types of purchasing Blanket Orders A Blanket Purchase Order is a type of purchase order designed to consolidate repetitive small purchases from a single supplier. It is essentially a form of open account which is limited in terms of the things which can be ordered, who can place the orders, the period for which it is to be open, and the total amount which can be ordered. This form of purchase order is useful for departments that have repetitive supply needs. Standing Order A Standing Purchase Order is purchasing method used in purchasing leases (e.g. auto, property and equipment), and equipment maintenance. Generally speaking, equipment maintenance orders are set up for one year. Standing orders for leases should be created for the term of the lease. Regular Purchase Order The Purchase Order (Regular) is the basic purchasing system for making single instance purchases. It is a contract providing for the delivery by a specific date of listed goods or services at a predetermined price. Source Objectives of receiving, storing and issuing Receiving Quantity of an item delivered must equal the quantity ordered Quality of an item delivered must be the same as the quality ordered Price on the invoice for each item delivered should be the same as the price quoted or listed when the order was placed Storing Prevent pilferage Ensure accessibility when products are needed Preserve quality Issuing To ensure the timely release of items from inventory in the needed quantities To prevent the misuse of items between release from inventory and delivery to the required department References Banerjee, B. (2006). Cost Accounting Theory And Practice (12th ed.). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India. Dopson, L. R. (2010). Food and Beverage Cost Control (5th ed.). Canada: John Wiley and sons, Inc. Jinnet, L. P. (2006). Small Buisness Start-Up (6th ed.). Chicago: Kalpan Publications. Ojugo, C. (1999). Food Beverage Cost Control (2nd ed.). New York: Delmar. S.P.Gupta, Ajay Sharma, Satish Ahuja. (2007). Cost Accounting (1st ed.). New Delhi: V.K. Enterprises. Sullivan, Arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin (2003), Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

KILLER ANGELS :: essays research papers

This books message was that the South was not an evil empire history made it out to be. The book portraits slavery as the major reason the civil war was started. The South was against freeing the slaves, and the North fought for the latter. The book also stated that the south was dependent on the slaves and fought to keep their society enact. Killer Angels was informative, very fascinating, and I disliked it. I learned many things from it. I learned from the book that the Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the Civil War. Before the battle of Gettysburg the South had won most major battles. Gettysburg is defined as a major victory in the war for the North. The winning of this battle gave the North momentum as defined in the book resulting in the North winning virtually every battle for the next two years. The Battle of Gettysburg greatly depleted ammunition and soldiers from both armies; because of the North’s industrialization they were able to replace men and ammunition faster than the South giving them a grater advantage. The book portrayed Confederate General Robert E. Lee as an intellectual who’s opinion of slavery was not partisan or predigest, but he believed that in the present state of their development they were not yet able to coexist equally or civilized with Anglo America. The author focuses on General Lee. and whether or not his decision to leave the U.S. military and join the Confederate Army was based upon selfish loyalty to a state flag†. And the author comes to the conclusion that Lee was a hero of great character who stood by what he believed in. The book also portrayed General Lee narcissistically. His over confidence in his army’s past victory’s compelled him to order his army to charge the North’s army from and unfortified position, up a hill in order to take control of a fortified position held by the North. And after failing numerous times he continued to do so. He even ordered his armory to charge over more than a mile of open field, resulting in the systematic bombardment of his troops; by the time the South’s army reached the North’s position their numbers were minute compared to the opposing army’s. This book focused more on details and moods, save the tactics that were used in the early battle.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Drowning Girl, Lovers Comparision Essay

Themes of Love and Loneliness feature in some of the most famous pieces of art in the world, such as The Kiss (Gustav Klimt) and The Subway (George Tooker). Artists use certain methods to evoke certain emotions. Roy Lichtenstein and Renà © Magritte are world-renowned artists both known for different art styles and different views on art itself. Roy Lichtenstein is a Pop artist and painted Drowning Girl whilst Renà © Magritte, generally a surrealist, painted The Lovers. Both paintings focus on using the elements and principles of design to portray the themes of Love and Loneliness. By analyzing these two artists and their artworks this report will evaluate how successful the artworks and artists are at conveying the themes of love and loneliness. Run for Love, Tony Abruzzo, DC Comics (1962) Run for Love, Tony Abruzzo, DC Comics (1962) Drowning Girl was painted by American Pop artist, Roy Lichtenstein, in 1963. This work depicts the face, hand and shoulder of a woman drowning in a swirl of water. Above the electric-blue hair of the crying woman there is a thought bubble captioned â€Å"I don’t care! I’d rather sink than call Brad for help!† This work has been cropped out of a comic entitled ‘Run for Love’ and then hand-painted and slightly adjusted by Lichtenstein using oil and  synthetic polymer paint on canvas. â€Å"I’m never drawing the object itself; I’m only drawing a depiction of the object – a kind of crystallized symbol of it.† – Roy Lichtenstein. This work reflects the theme of loneliness as it features a woman describing how she would rather give in to her own death than call Brad (whom we first presume to be her partner) for help. The Lovers (commonly known as Les Amants) was painted by surrealist artist Renà © Magritte. The Lovers features a man and a woman (whom we assume to be ‘lovers’) standing together, cheek to cheek, almost as if they were posing for a holiday snapshot. The couple each have a white cloth wrapped around their faces that curl behind their shoulders. In the background you can see greenery, trees in the distance and a hill that slopes down towards the middle of the canvas. Magritte has used oil paint on canvas to produce The Lovers. At first glance, this painting has a very eerie, mysterious feeling. Renà © Magritte’s mother committed suicide by drowning herself in the River Sambre. According to popular belief, the young Magritte, age 14, witnessed his mother’s body as it was retrieved from the river with her wet night dress clinging to her face. Many believe that this childhood event influenced many of Magritte’s paintings in which the faces of people have been obscured, including The Lovers. Magritte denied these accusations, however it is almost suspiciously ironic how an image of a childhood event has nothing to do with a painting extremely similar to that image. Whilst Roy Lichtenstein uses colours and dominance to show strong emotions of isolation, Renà © Magritte uses tone and texture to create a more realistic and mysterious image. In Drowning Girl Roy Lichtenstein uses bold and subdued colours to create a certain vibe. The reason as to why the woman’s hair is coloured such a bright electric blue is to represent that the woman is an individual who holds very strong thoughts and emotions. The muted blue of the swirling waves surrounding and trapping her represents the depressing and lonely state she is in with this ‘Brad’ personality, as blue is a colour often associated with sadness and depression. The woman is trapped in a sea of sadness. In both the waves and the woman’s hair,  Lichtenstein has painted strong black strokes to represent the movement of both the hair and the waves. The bold and subdue colors in Drowning Girl help to communicate the meaning by somewhat also adding a sense of life, existence wh ilst keeping to the lonely and melodramatic theme of such a comical, unrealistic painting. Dominance gives a painting interest and helps to direct the focus on one particular shape or segment of the artwork. Lichtenstein uses this principle of design, as the painting concentrates heavily on the woman’s face (taking up approximately 50% of the painting). This is very effective and really conveys the woman’s emotions through her facial expression. The face resembles an expression of dismay, distress and exaggerated sadness. Drowning Girl is a very melodramatic painting and Roy Lichtenstein decided to crop out so that she was the only being you see in this painting, which creates a sense of loneliness in itself. Lichtenstein then greatly enlarged that cropped out image of the woman so that her face would be another major focus point (along with the thought bubble) to help depict a theatrical loneliness by using her facial expressions. Tone gives a two-dimensional drawing the illusion of three-dimensional form. Renà © Magritte used tone to create a more realistic image that therefore adds to the mysterious and unsettling ambience. â€Å"Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist.† – Renà © Magritte. The way he used tone to display the way the cloths are settled around the couple’s heads was sensationally creepy. The darker tone of the background helps brings the couple forwards and really corroborates the sense that they are posing for a photo, which consequently also promotes mystery. Why do they have white cloths wrapped around their head? Why are they taking such a photo? If they aren’t taking a photo what are they posing for? Even though language isn’t an official element or principle of design, it is a crucial visual element to Drowning Girl as is the lack of lines in The Lovers. The statement â€Å"I don’t care! I’d rather sink than call Brad for help!† is so vague and ambiguous whilst being incredibly dramatic that it evokes mystery and engages the mind of viewers. Raising multiple questions about the relationship of ‘Brad’ and this woman. We see ourselves wondering how badly has Brad hurt her? What could have possibly happened between the two in order for her to place her pride before her life? This  little thought bubble communicates the theme of loneliness because it exclaims how this woman seems extremely weakened by Brad because she states that she would rather drown in the water than be saved by Brad. The other major focal point of Drowning Girl is the woman’s face as it takes up a majority of the 171.6 x 169.5 cm painting. Magritte’s lack of sharp lines in The Lovers also modifies the painting to look more life like. Unlike Roy Lichtenstein who uses distinct lines to outline shapes, forms and movement in Drowning Girl, Renà © Magritte tries to avoid using lines and instead to use tone wherever he could in order to once again make the painting more realistic which then adds to the ominous and obscure atmosphere of The Lovers. Certain artworks behold different meanings to different people. The Lovers is a cryptic painting where the theme is found through investigation whilst Drowning Girl uses the theme of loneliness to then convey a message. Renà © Magritte’s The Lovers is an almost chilling artwork that evokes mystery. Magritte wanted those who view the artwork to question what they see and to find a meaning that’s apparent to them. â€Å"My painting is visible images which conceal nothing†¦they evoke mystery and indeed when one sees one of my pictures, one asks oneself this simple question ‘what does that mean’? It does not mean anything, because mystery means nothing either, it is unknowable.† – Renà © Magritte. By laying cloths around the couple’s heads the painting immediately changes from a ‘holiday snapshot’ to a mysterious, unsettling image. Whilst many associate this painting with ‘blind love’, to me this painting symbolizes, due to the name and pose, a couple, â€Å"Lovers† who are each isolated and hiding things from each other. They do not truly love one another and may â€Å"love† each other for the wrong reasons. The white cloth represents the shield they are putting up and hiding beneath. This painting can also represents the death of love, as the cloth clinging to their faces can be associated with the death of his mother. The Lovers also evaluates how people can falsely exploit the title of ‘lovers’. Lichtenstein gives Drowning Girl a very over the top, melodramatic feeling and mood whilst conjuring a little mystery. By creating such a melodramatic atmosphere Lichtenstein is also mocking or parodying comics (and other forms of media) about the oversimplification and  stereotypes of people, gender, emotions authors use in order to sell to the audience. There is a woman who typifies the comic representation as she is a clichà ©d beautiful woman in a state of mental breakdown and depression due to some incident or situation concerning her relationship with the out of frame, Brad. â€Å"Well, I had the idea of ‘The Hero’ Brad. ‘Brad’ sounded like a hero to me, so all heroes were to be called Brad—a very minor idea, but it has to do with oversimplification and clichà ©.† – Lichtenstein. Lichtenstein is able to use loneliness to convey a statement about society’s commercial depiction of gender. The most engaging aspect about both these paintings are that they both evoke mystery and even after the viewing of the artwork questions in your mind still remain whether it is to do with an out of frame character or literally, a white cloth wrapped around one’s head. Both these paintings do a fantastic job at using the elements and principles of design to support and depict the message or feeling the wish to convey. In Drowning Girl Roy Lichtenstein uses colour, language and dominance in order to create a very lonely, sad melodramatic feel to the painting whilst Renà © Magritte tries create a mysterious, ominous and almost chilling ambience in The Lovers. Magritte uses this mysterious feel to convey a hidden message to do with love. However Lichtenstein uses this evident loneliness in Drowning Girl to convey a completely different message about society’s commercial depiction of gender. Therefore, artists Roy Lichtenstein and Renà © Magritte have both managed to create successful pieces of art following the themes of love and loneliness. Love and loneliness are some of the two most painted themes in the art world. Many artists love to convey these themes as it allows their artworks to be filled with so much emotion. Generally a surrealist, Renà © Magritte painted The Lovers whilst pop artist, Roy Lichtenstein painted Drowning Girl. Both these paintings do a successful job at reflecting themes of loneliness by using different Elements and principles of design. Artists generally do use many different types of methods and  mediums to depict certain messages, evoke certain emotions and engage certain thoughts from the viewer. Despite this artworks often promote different messages, meanings, emotions and thoughts to each individual viewer. These themes, meanings and messages may depend on variables such as the current situation the viewer is in, situations they have been in before and the way they look at life. Different people evoke different emotions at different times. The world around us is too concerned and convinced about how they ‘should’ feel when viewing an artwork or whether they ‘like’ and artwork or not due to absurd factors. What do others think about the artwork? Was the artist famous? Did their paintings sell for millions? Art is whatever you perceive it to be, don’t let people tell you otherwise. Bibliography Barsalou, D. 2000, Drowning Girl Deconstructing Roy Lichtenstein [online], Available from: URL: (accessed 25 Aug.2013). Gershman, R. Art Story – Roy Lichtenstein [online], Available from: URL: (accessed 24 Aug.2013). Les Amants [online], Available from: URL: (accessed 26 Aug.2013). Magritte Gallery, Les Amants (The Lovers) [online], Available from: URL: (accessed 23 Aug.2013). MoMA, 2011, Drowning Girl [online], Available from: URL: (accessed 25 Aug.2013). NGA, Renà © Magritte, Les Amants (The Lovers) [online], Available from: URL: (accessed 23 Aug.2013). Powers, S. Art Story – Magritte [online], Available from: URL: (accessed 25 Aug.2013). The Lovers, 1928 by Rene Magritte [online], Available from: URL: (accessed 21 Aug.2013).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Middle East- is there a wayout essays

Middle East- is there a wayout essays THE MIDDLE EAST A RIDDLE WITHOUT SOLUTION Kazimierz. The place in Cracow where Jews and Christians had lived together in harmony for the previous four and a half centuries. The place where inconceivable misery took over, where to this day you can almost hear the terrifying staccato rattle of Nazi jackboots over the ancient cobbles. The Jewish people so pleased with their freedom but still bound to fight their anxieties and nightmares. Having had enough of persecution they were finally allowed peaceful and prosperous lives in one of Cracows districts. Israel. The place in the Middle East where there is no single minute of safety or relief. Where every moment of silence warns of a tragic event to come. A little sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl is going to a shop with explosives under her dress to comit suicide in the name of the freedom of her nation and to murder and maim her nations oppressors. Israel was founded in 1948 on former Palestinian territories which were British control as a mandated territory. Magnanimous Britain, sympathising with the Jews, helped to settle them in the Middle Eastern desert. Britain and the USA watched proudly as their progeny worked the miracle and made the desert bloom, never stopping to ask: Whose desert is it? Who gave them the right to make an Arabic nation largely landless? They were so generous in dispensing someone elses land. The Jewish nation has always been proud of their wandering nomadic heritage. Due to the fact they thrive in every part of the world; so why were they not given a part of Alaska or a part of Northern Ireland? Because two powerful countries could make generous donors of themselves whilst humiliating the local Moslem population. They even granted the Jews Jerusalem which is also a holy city of Islam. It was simply convenient for them. No sooner had the independence of Israel been anounced than unrest broke...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Touch Football Analysis Essay Essays

Touch Football Analysis Essay Essays Touch Football Analysis Essay Essay Touch Football Analysis Essay Essay Touch football involves the usage of all three energy systems which are the ATP-CP system. Lactic Acid system and the Aerobic system. ATP shops are to the full replenished after 2-3 proceedingss or 50 % can be replenished after 30 seconds. The ATP-CP system is anaerobiotic which means there is no O nowadays and is a consequence of the dislocation of creatine phosphate. It is preponderantly used in activities which are high strength and last for up to 10 seconds. There are no fatiguing by merchandises nevertheless ATP production is really limited. The lactic acid system is besides anaerobiotic nevertheless it lasts for around 90 seconds. It is the consequence of glucose being converted into lactic acid. Lactic acid is a fatiguing by merchandise that builds up in the organic structure after vigorous exercising and which force an jock to decelerate or halt their activity. The concluding energy system is the aerophilic system. This is the production of energy from the dislocation of saccharides and fats utilizing O. This system is used for low strength activities of a long continuance. The bi-products of this system are H2O. C dioxide and heat nevertheless they are non tiring which is why the aerobic system is efficient for long continuance and endurance events. A game of touch requires the usage and interplay of all three energy systems ; ATP-CP. Lactic Acid and Aerobic systems. The organic structure at the same time uses an energy system as there are many accomplishments in touch that are of different strengths and continuance. For approximately the first 2 proceedingss of the game. the strength is submaximal as participant 1 is acquiring into place. It can be seen on the bosom rate proctor graph that there is a little addition in bosom rate bespeaking a little addition of strength from walking to a visible radiation jog which can be shown in the tabular array. The organic structure is able work aerobically at this point as there is sufficient O to run into the demands of the activity. The bosom rate proctor shows at point A that there is a steep slope of participant 1’s bosom rate. This was caused by a series of contrivances. dashs and side which increased the bosom rate at 3 proceedingss into the game. As these activities are of a higher strength and in such a short infinite of clip. it creates an O shortage. Because of this O shortage. the organic structure has to now use the ATP-CP system. However. the ATP-CP system is merely fleeting. enduring for 10 seconds. and therefore its shop becomes largely used up. The lactic acid system so becomes the more dependent energy system. 5 proceedingss into the game the bosom rate graph shows a little tableland which indicates that participant 1 was working at maximum strength. It is merely possible to work near to this threshold for a limited clip therefore strength must drop doing the bosom rate to take down. Player 1 was involved in a series of dashs. contrivances and side stepping every bit good as playing the ball and passing. These are all high strength activities which have caused the addition of bosom rate on the graph. After the first 5 proceedingss of the game. participant 1 is substituted away. At this point. Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption ( EPOC ) takes topographic point. EPOC allows the aerophilic system to refill ATP-CP shops and resynthesises lactic acid. The first phase of EPOC is called alactacid and restores ATP-CP. This procedure happens rapidly in merely 30 seconds and is of import as the ATP-CP system is really of import in a game of touch. After being substituted back on. participant 1 will hold had full shops of ATP-CP. The same can be said for points C and D nevertheless at point D. exercice has ceased and a full EPOC can take topographic point. The first phase of EPOC is the alactacid constituent which involves the Restoration of ATP and CP shops and O. This procedure takes 2-3 proceedingss. The 2nd portion is the Lactacid constituent and involves the remotion of lactic acid and refilling of animal starch. Full recovery may take up to 90 proceedingss. A warm down should hold been done by the jock to rush up the remotion of lactic acid every bit good as forestalling blood pooling. leting skeletal musculuss to oxidize and to maintain blood circulation elevated. 4: There are legion tactics used in touch football to out play the other squad which can be done by using each of the three energy systems. . Many of these tactics involve utilizing the cognition of the energy systems to an advantage. One maneuver used by many squads is to run at the same guardian invariably while assailing so that. that participant will go exhausted and as a consequence. will non be able to run as fast or acquire back into place in clip. This will open up spreads in the other team’s defense mechanism line and will make an country for a squad mate to run through. By pin indicating one participant they will hold to run backwards for a few dramas which will last for over 10 seconds and as a consequence the participant will hold depleted their ATP-CP system. This doesn’t let the guardian to refill ATP-CP shops before each touch. coercing them to preponderantly utilize their lactic system to synthesize energy. The Lactic acid system produces the tiring byproduct lactic acid which causes the participant to pall. As a consequence the guardian will non be able to react as rapidly and make a spread in the defensive line that the herd can run through. After executing a maximum attempt as a herd. participant 1 should be shifted to the flying where less intense and frequent activity occurs. This is where positioning becomes a great tactic and will let for the aerophilic system to be predominately used to reconstruct ATP-CP every bit good as resynthesise lactic acid. Following this. participant one should be substituted off to let ATP-CP shops to refill 50 % . Another great maneuver is to utilize the replacements sagely. When doing a replacement it is smarter to do the alteration when your squad is assailing to avoid any defensive spreads for the other squad to run through. While in an assaultive drama. the participants that are fatigued should float closer to the bench so that speedy permutations can be made. A tactic would affect altering 3-4 participants at one clip to hold a rested squad on the field and to besides confound the oppositions as to who they are supporting. The participants that have merely been rested should hold a full ATP-CP system which is good to rule the drama. 5: Touch involves the combination of many fitness constituents. nevertheless. it is clear from set abouting a game’s analysis that some have more of an impact on the game than others. Agility is defined as the ability to alter way rapidly and accurately while keeping balance which is decidedly a chief facet of the athletics. A GPS tracker was placed on a pupil to map his running during a touch game and the consequences show many crisp bends and running that isn’t in a consecutive line. It is clear from the map of the tracking device that legion crisp alterations of waies were required during the game. There were a sum of 10 contrivances. 12 dashs and 16 occasions where participant 1 had to side measure. All of these accomplishments required some signifier of sudden alteration of way. It is an indispensable portion of touch to be able to forge one way. doing your opposition to switch their Centre of gravitation. and so rapidly alter way into a spread. Besides. dodging and weaving in between participants is necessary. Speed is defined as how rapidly a organic structure portion can be put into gesture or the velocity of contraction. This is necessary in touch football as a batch of fast motions and sprinting is required to maintain up with drama. to run past oppositions or gimmick oppositions. The game is played at a fast gait to seek and catch the guardians out of place or off guard and to do it easier to acquire past them. Cardio-respiratory endurance is a cardinal constituent to the game of Touch as it is the capacity of your bosom. blood vass and lungs to work expeditiously to present O during uninterrupted activity. Age. genetic sciences. and physical conditioning all play a function in an individual’s cardiorespiratory endurance. With an enhanced ability to take in O and present it to working musculuss. the musculuss are able to go on activity longer without weariness. 6: Cardio-respiratory endurance is of import in many athleticss and is something that many jocks should better. Two developing methods that could be used to better this are Fartlek and Interval preparation. Both manners of preparation are utile and specific to many squad athleticss including touch football as they are similar to the type of work done in a game. Interval developing involves jumping periods of activity with periods of remainder and can be categorised by short. intermediate or long interval preparation. Short interval preparation develops power. intermediate develops lactic acerb tolerance and long develops aerophilic power. To aim the ATP-CP system the work to rest ratio should be 1:3/1:25. to aim the Lactic acid system it should be 1:2/1:3 and for the aerophilic system it should be 1:1. Fartlek preparation is considered to be a mixture of interval and uninterrupted preparation. This is achieved by making a uninterrupted activity and integrating random explosions of velocity or addition of strength. Both types of preparation should integrate the preparation rules which include progressive overload. fluctuation. specificity. individualism. recovery. decreasing returns. frequence. continuance. strength and reversibility. Progressive overload is the construct of gradual increasing the demand to do betterments. If the preparation burden remained unchanged. no farther betterments in fittingness would happen. This can be applied to fartlek preparation and interval preparation by increasing the figure of times an activity is done or at what strength it is done. For illustration if the fartlek preparation was to ramble on for one minute and dash for 5 seconds. the spring can be increased to 10 seconds. In interval developing the repeats could be increased. Variation should be included into both developing methods to non merely do betterments in fittingness. but to besides to guarantee the jock remains psychologically focused and motivated. To guarantee maximum betterment is achieved by the person. all rules should be considered when making a preparation plan.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Individual Assignment (80%) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Individual Assignment (80%) - Essay Example Shell UK has been reviewing its supply chain and looking into ways in which it can improve its production through innovation and technology (Shell UK Plc., 2012). This paper identifies opportunities and inhibitors of creativity in the company and their impact on organisational performance of Shell. Additionally it identifies one innovation that would have made the most impact on Shell and individual contribution towards the company’s creative ability by applying the relevant theories. Shell UK has the key responsibility to meet energy demand and provide affordable and clean energy. The company is in the second spot in the UK market and the fifth largest globally. It is the leading tax payer in the economy and the number one company in market capitalisation. The company was established in 1897 and has opened offices in various parts of the country. Though the company’s business has reduced slightly in the recent past, it is still one of the leading companies in the UK. S hell UK boasts of having a workforce composed of 6400 skilled workers and a sufficient number of contractors (Shell UK Plc., 2012). The UK market is unique since it has like- minded climate policies and international ideologies of leadership shared by Shell UK. Lastly, the UK population is a rich source of brilliant recruits that specialise in the Projects and Technology and Upstream where they bring their invaluable knowledge in leadership and management capacities. Background of the Company Shell is an energy company that operates the oil and gas sectors in the United Kingdom. The company concentrates on fuel service systems that manufacture a variety of chemicals and fuels for industrial use and domestic use. Additionally, the company takes part in research projects which include technologies that are involved in engineering, lubricants, additives and the environment. The company’s main core objectives focus on helping the company meet the international demand for energy a t low prices, provide competitive shareholder gains and to be a future energy provider. The company’s activities can be broken down into three categories, Upstream, Downstream and Projects and Technology (Shell UK Plc., 2012). The company organization is in line with the definition of an organization since it is a social entity that has clearly laid out objectives, boundaries and a well developed structure (Butler, 1991). However, the organizational structure is characterized by bureaucracy and has limitations bound by the entity’s rules and regulations. The strategic and tactical levels in the organization can be viewed to the major agents of change. Shell UK Nature of Change In the modern world, the future of the organization has become increasingly unpredictable (Furnham, 2000). Additionally, the oil and gas industry which Shell operates in have been experiencing the imminent threat of scarcity of resources and increased competition (Crooks, 2010). This section give s a discussion of its external environment since it is believed to have a profound influence on the company’s activity (Brooks, 2004). The strong influence on the external environment can be traced by analyzing the socio- cultural and technological factors (Senior & Swailes, 2010). Some of the socio- cultural factors affecting the company are caused by the company’s exploration activities in harsh enironments. In the recent past, Shell UK suffered from a huge capital spending followed by a considerable reduction in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Physical Theatre Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Physical Theatre Journal - Essay Example Examining the relationship of the theatre to different parts of the performance can create a different understanding of how the expressions in physical theatre established. In traditional theatre, the main component is to use dialogue and monologue to express different ideologies. This tradition is able to express different components and brings out the main identity within the theatre. In physical theatre, the words are secondary to the actions and physical expressions that are taken. The words are only used to support the actions that are taken and to exemplify the identity which is taken through the physical movements. For the physical theatre to work effectively, one has to understand the qualities of words through physical movement, as opposed to the expected description of the word. For instance, if one wants to express the idea of wisdom, then the physical movements will need to show this and place metaphors and similes that are expressed through the body. The text then becomes a supporting role that allows actors and actresses to interpret a given idea and form (Callery, 2001). The text that is associated with the physical aspects is one which makes the writer redundant in the creation of ensemble work. Since the work is only used to define the physical aspects, the writer no longer holds the same place within the establishment of the work. The main component which establishes this is the combination of intertextuality and intratextuality. The intertextuality comes from the writer and is used only as a guideline to establish the main work which is occurring. The intratext is how this is established within a given environment. According to Robin Arthur, director of physical theatre, the entertainment was one which allowed the text to be used and re-used. The single line of text, when going into the